Report a concern

Please be assured we will keep this information confidential. If you do not provide contact details, we will be unable to investigate your concern further.

It does not matter if you are mistaken or if there is an innocent explanation for your concerns. However, where we receive reports that are malicious and known to be untrue by the reporter, we are required to report that to the police.

Every section of this form is mandatory. Some additional questions will automatically open depending on the option selected.

If you wish to save a draft or continue a previous report you must first login Click here
If you are reporting anonymously you will be unable to save a draft.


A concern is defined as:

A matter of interest or importance to the Controlled Drug Accountable Officer on the safe use or management of controlled drugs. Events that are yet to be corroborated or substantiated also constitute a concern.

These could include a complaint or a whistleblowing report by a member of the public, healthcare professional or support staff.

Examples of concerns:
Several reports of discrepancies that all link to one individual
Numerous low-level events from the same provider

Section 1: Date and Timeframe of Concern
When did this event first concern you?
Record the date or timeframe as accurately as you can
If you are unsure of the date, please select the timeframe of when you first became aware of the concern
Section 2: Location of Concern
Did the concern happen in your Organisation?
Section 3: Categories of Concern
What categories does the concern relate to?
Tick all that apply
Patient Involved
Where a patient was or could have been involved in the incident
Examples - Administration, Dispensing, Prescribing or Delivery errors
Administration concern
Delivery concern
Dispensing concern
Out of hours concern
Prescribing concern
Recording or transcription concern
Unaccounted for Losses
Controlled drug or controlled stationery that is not accounted for; not understood or an unexplained loss
Examples - Running balance issues (underage and overage), lost, missing or stolen controlled drugs or prescriptions, recording or register errors
Theft or Stolen or Diversion - Controlled Drugs
Theft or Stolen or Diversion - Controlled Drugs keys
Theft or Stolen or Diversion - Controlled Drugs prescriptions
Theft or Stolen or Diversion - Controlled Drugs requisitions
Theft or Stolen or Diversion - Controlled Drugs registers
Delivery Transport Concern
Destruction Concern
Product or Stock Concern
Patient or member of the Public of Concern
These incidents or concerns are when a patient or member of the public can be identified as involved or suspected of theft, diversion or illicit use and an alert may be required
Examples - allegation or fraudulent activity, including theft and diversion, drug seeking behaviour and illicit use
Allegation - Receiving Controlled Drugs
Allegation - Selling Controlled Drugs
Fraudulent attempt to obtain Controlled Drugs - By patient
Fraudulent attempt to obtain Controlled Drugs - By member of the public
Illicit use - Illicit drugs
Illicit use - Prescribed drugs
Illicit use - Controlled Drugs obtained by deception (drug seeking behaviour)
Illicit use - Drug dealing
Illicit use - Self harm
Stolen or Diversion - Controlled Drugs
Stolen or Diversion - Controlled Drugs keys
Stolen or Diversion - Controlled Drugs prescriptions
Stolen or Diversion - Controlled Drugs requisitions
Professional or Employee of Concern
These incidents or concerns are when a professional or employee can be identified as involved or suspected of theft, diversion or illicit use and an investigation or alert may be required
Examples - allegation or fraudulent activity, including theft and diversion, drug seeking behaviour and illicit use
Allegation - Receiving Controlled Drugs
Allegation - Selling Controlled Drugs
Allegation - Taking Controlled Drugs
Fraudulent attempt to obtain Controlled Drugs
Fraudulent Claims
Illicit Use - Controlled Drugs obtained by deception (drug seeking behaviour)
Illicit Use - Drug dealing
Illicit Use - Illicit drugs
Illicit Use - Prescribed drugs for another individual
Illicit use - Self harm
Illicit Use - Self prescribing
Stolen or Diversion - Controlled Drugs
Stolen or Diversion - Controlled Drugs keys
Stolen or Diversion - Controlled Drugs prescriptions
Stolen or Diversion - Controlled Drugs requisitions
Stolen or Diversion - Controlled Drugs register
Whistle Blowing
Regarding Organisation
Regarding Professional or Employee
Regarding Patient or member of the Public
Pharmacy First Monitoring
Patient Overuse,Pharmacy supply greater than 5 days,Pharmacy supplying schedule 3, GP access issue
GP access issue
Pharmacy supplying schedule 3
Pharmacy supply greater than 5 day
Patient Overuse
Anything that is not covered under any of the headings above

Office purposes (Ignore)
Patient Involved
Unaccounted for Losses
Patient or member of the Public of Concern
Professional or Employee of Concern
Whistle Blowing
Pharmacy First Monitoring
Section 4: Details of Concern
Please summarise your concern
Section 5: Individuals involved in the Concern
Who was involved in this concern?

You can provide a registered professional’s information as these details are in the public domain. If the incident involves more than one professional or employee please select the "Add another" button to add in their details.

Tick all that apply

Section 6: Impact on Patient Care
Do you think this concern is affecting patient care?
Is there a risk to patient or individual care?
Section 7: Details of Controlled Drug or Device involved
Was a controlled drug involved?
Was a device involved?
Section 8: Organisations where you may need to report this concern
You may be required to report this concern to other organisations
Have you reported this concern to other organisations?
Section 9: Supporting information

If you have any supporting information please upload it here.

Summary of Concern

Here are the responses you have provided in each section. Please check they are correct before submitting

Section 1: Date and Timeframe of Concern
- Edit
Section 2: Location of Concern
- Edit
Section 3: Categories of Concern
View categories involved Edit
Section 4: Details of Concern
- Edit
Section 5: Individuals involved in the Concern
View individuals involved Edit
Section 6: Impact on Patient Care
- Edit
- Edit
Section 7: Details of Controlled Drug or Device involved
View Controlled drugs involved Edit
Section 8: Organisations where you may need to report this concern
- Edit
Section 9: Supporting information
- Edit
It does not matter if you are mistaken or if there is an innocent explanation for the concern you are reporting. However, where we receive reports that are malicious and known to be untrue by the reporter, we are required to report that to the Police

Can you be contacted regarding this concern?

Please note the declaration below needs ticked to be ticked in order to submit the report

I declare that the concern submitted is, to the best of my knowledge, a true reflection of my concern.
I confirm that the information complies with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and Data Protection Act 2018.